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Sänger: Martinelli, Germaine

Begleiter: Doyen, Jean

Short characteristic of recordings Die schoene Muellerin D 795 Franz Schubert


Discography item

M 03



Information Artists & Performance


Singer (name) – Internet Information

Germaine Martinelli / http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germaine_Martinelli

    Voice / age in recording year    

Soprano / 49

    Year of birth / Country

1887 / France († 1964)

Accompanier /

Jean Doyen / http://www.musimem.com/Doyen_Jean.htm


Piano Pleyel

Language / Version

French / ..;  Translation D → F by Chevillard (1936)

Total time (min / sec)

36:04 (incomplete cycle, 8 verses complete)

     Songs 1 - 5 // 6 – 10 
* means: verse(s) and / or piano part omitted

1:03* – 1:52 – 1:28 – 2:00 – 2:19 // 3:09 – 1:19* - 2:18* – 0:47* – 1:37*

     Songs 11-15 // 16 – 20
* means: verse(s) and / or piano part omitted

1:59* – 2:33* – 0:57* – 0:33* – 1:23 // 1:53* – 1:51 – 2:32 – 3:09 – 1:22*



Information CD considered


Medium /Label /code/technique+S/M

CD / Malibran Music / CDRG 111 / Mono

Date of recording / Location

1935 / ..

Editor / Exec.Producer / Art direction





F, Nadine Basile – Martinelli / E (transl. Denise Tendil)



Supplementary on CD

Songs by Duparc, Fauré, Schubert: Marguerite au rouet D 118 (Gretchen am Spinnrade, Goethe) & La jeune Religieuse D 828 (Die junge Nonne, Jakob Nikolaus, Reichsfreiherr von Craigher de Jachelutta) and Schumann L’amour et la vie d’une femme (Frauenliebe und Leben)


Historical recording from Columbia 78 rpm recordings; RFX 43 matrix Clx 1830 & CLX 1831; Rfx 44 martix CLX 1832; RFX 44 matrix CLX 1832; RFX 45 matrix CLX 1834 & CLX 1840; RFX 46 matrix Clx 1838 & 1839



Other releases

78 rpm Columbia RFX 43/6






