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Sänger: Naval, Franz

Begleiter: Pilz, August

Short characteristic of recordings Die schoene Muellerin D 795 Franz Schubert


Discography item

N 02



Information Artists & Performance


Singer (name) – Internet Information

Franz Naval (Pseudonym from Franz Pogaènik ) /

    Voice / age in recording year           

Tenor / 44

    Year of birth / Country

1865 / Ljubljana (Laibach)(† 1939)

Accompanier / Internet Information

Kapellmeister August Pilz / ..



Language / Version

D / ..

Total time (min / sec)

Not relevant because of omissions

     Songs 1 - 5 //
                6 - 10

2:35 - 1:53 - 1:19 - 1:39 - 2:28 //
3:19 - 2:43 - 3:07 (verse 3 omitted); 2:57 - 3:07

     Songs 11-15 //
                16 - 20

1:51 - 3:13 - 2:28 - 1:08 - 1:28 //
3:06 - 2:08 - 3:00 - 3:13 - 2:59(verses 2 & 3 omitted)



Information Recording considered


Medium /Label /code/technique+S/M

78 rpm record / Odeon / Acoustical recording Mono

Date of recording / Location

10.1909 / Germany, Berlin

Editor / Exec.Producer / Art direction




Supplementary on 78rpm



1.Disk identification Lied 1 – 20 on ODEON records (source: http://www.truesoundtransfers.de/disco.htm )
2. The LP is announced as a recording "1902 / Austria, Vienna" but the recorded Lieder are identical to the 1909 Odeon 78 rpm disks


Photo of Franz Naval: http://www.photographymuseum.com/adelesnowlg.html

Other releases

LP / Maniac Records NCJ (Japan) / 1005 / from shellac records (year of copying unknown) - source of timings
CD / Symposium Records / CD1367




  Japanese LP                CD