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Singer: Mütter, Bertl, Trombonist

Accompanier: --

Short characteristic of recordings Die schoene Muellerin D 795 Franz Schubert


Discography item

M 11



Information Artists & Performance


Trombonist / Internet Information

Bertl Mütter /ütter

    Voice / age in recording year           

-- / 40

    Year of birth / Country

1965 / Austria

Accompanier / Internet Information



Trombone; Aurora Posaune von Robert Schagerl, Sondermodell B.M., Instrument in progress.


Solo Trombone; Posaune, NachKomposition (consonant composition) (AKM/austro mechana ) after Franz Schubert (*1797 † 1828) "muetters muellerin"

Total time (min / sec)


     Songs 1 - 5 // 6 - 10

2:17 - 2:09 - 1:41 - 2:32 - 2:42 // 4:00 - 1:51 - 4:50 - 2:54 - 3:27

     Songs 11-15 // 16 - 20

2:23 - 5:00 - 2:03 - 1:10 - 1:29 // 4:13 - 2:03 - 4:29 - 4:26 - 8:26



Information CD considered


Medium /Label /code/technique+S/M

CD / ARBE / ARBE 13 / DDD as book: ISBN 3-85129-640-0

Date of recording / Location

12-14.12.2005 / Austria, St. Lambrecht, Covict Stift St.Lambrecht

Editor / Exec.Producer / Art direction

Bertl Mütter


Christian Mühlbacher, Karl Petermichl

Booklet/sleeve text languages, authors(s)

German; (English: translation David Koblick)
author(s): Franz Kafka; Bertl Mütter; Otto Brusatti, Gert Jonke

Song texts - languages


Supplementary on CD



Muetters Muellerin was inspired by Maria Hofmann, spiritus rector der Internationalen Paul Hofmayer Gesellschaft Salzburg, and was first performed on the 19th of May 2005 in the Castle Church Mirabell



Other releases









  Grafic design by Atteneder; Fotos by Dorothea Wimmer & Bertl Mütter